Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Workin late...

I've been finding that staying late at the office is really my best time.

I mean, I put in face time in the mornings, and it's fine for meetings, but getting something done is impossible!

But from 6-8 pm, I'm ON. It's after the afternoon slump, but before the evening wind-down.

Tim Ferriss talks about finding the best time in your circadian rhythm to work in Four Hour Work Week, and in an interview with Problogger. Not that it's a new idea, but definitely something I'd forgotten about until recently.

So, maybe there's something to it... Now if I could just find a way to get by with sleeping till 11 a.m!


Bottlerocket said...

I find that time works as well. IT's also an email-free zone, where you don't feel compelled to check since no one is really there.

pmull said...

you are SO right about that as well