Thursday, July 31, 2008


Just a post to say that at some point, I'd love to post about whether or not non-profits should even exist. Is it valid in this millennium? I'm sure lots of people have lots of ideas, but I'd like to think it through myself...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

After a REALLY long day, it's amazing how much better a little Dixie-land Rag can make you feel.
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The Right Words

Trying to communicate with my family
Grant writing
Play editing

I'm realizing just how ridiculously verbose I can get. So many words!!!! So little meaning!!!


Can I just communicate by interpretive dance or something?

Here's to emotional, precise.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Warm glass blogs

I spent the afternoon helping Avery set up his warm glass blog for Pluto Gallery.

His work is really amazing and Virginia Stage Company just commissioned a piece from him for the entry to their offices.  

Check out his warm glass work as well as the traditional stained glass work that he creates at Ellenburg and Shaffer.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why magazines will die

Ok, I admit I love to pick up a magazine and flop through it. I love the feel of glossy paper in my hand, the smell, the little subscription cards that fall out.... Sigh. Even if it means trees where killed, I love that experience.

But there's a problem other than trees dying.

I can never find anything.

That great article on the cover? Impossible to find inside. Even when - gasp - I actually USED the table of contents!

So, I got on my phone, went to Outside Magazine's website, and there was the article. Plain as day. And now I know "Where to Live Now". And now I know that they named the article something cutesy inside so it didn't stand out at first (or second) perusal.

But the good old romanticism of flipping through a magazine on a lazy Saturday- all gone in my frustration at trying find the $&@! article.

So, while I love mags.... I dunno...

How long will they really last?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ben Stein... on love?

In the NYT today - a very sweet article by Ben Stein on love. Who knew he was such a softie?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aladdin set thus far...

I got to see what they've done with the Aladdin set thus far today.

Sam Flint has designed a really versatile and interesting "tent" and the shop has executed it brilliantly.

Once it's painted and dyed it will not only LOOK amazing, but offer a LOT of potential as far as ways it can transform. The fabric panels not only connect to the carpet in various configurations, but can also connect to each other for fluid movement transitions.

This will be a fun show I think!

Workin late...

I've been finding that staying late at the office is really my best time.

I mean, I put in face time in the mornings, and it's fine for meetings, but getting something done is impossible!

But from 6-8 pm, I'm ON. It's after the afternoon slump, but before the evening wind-down.

Tim Ferriss talks about finding the best time in your circadian rhythm to work in Four Hour Work Week, and in an interview with Problogger. Not that it's a new idea, but definitely something I'd forgotten about until recently.

So, maybe there's something to it... Now if I could just find a way to get by with sleeping till 11 a.m!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Geek out....

I just need to geek out for one second, because no one who's AT work today will get this.


The new iphone web apps will impact information gathering, social networking, and daily life as we know it. And, hopefully, for the better!

Ok, deep breath. I feel better now. Thanks for letting me say that.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Historical Repetition

The reverberations of history...

Massive Resistance...

Playwrights writing about Reconstruction in the south...

Declaration of Independence workshops at the museum...

I'm swimming in history this month

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Self-discovery via career

In the many dating books I read back in the day (not to mention sermons heard), and even when talking with friends, I hear stories of how dating helps you "find" yourself. That it can be an important way of learning who you are. Getting to know others, and preparing yourself to meet the "right" person, are actually part of the path of self discovery, self awareness, and self creation.

Funny, now-a-days it seems that maybe career development is doing the same thing. Who do I want to be? Who do I want to do it with? What do I want my life to be like? How do I want to run my business? Not much different really than the questions you answer when filling out an EHarmony questionnaire.

Funny, just never thought as career development as job-dating...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Virginia History

I am sometimes amazed at the history that surrounds us all the time. Since moving to this area, I find that local history enthralls me. Most impressive is a big hurricane that hit this area on my birthday in 1933. Some amazing pictures of the event were taken that continue to pop up in local restaurants, galleries, etc. I'll write something more coherent when I figure out what it is that's pushing my buttons right now...