Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crazy Cycles

Life is moving in a never-ending cycle right now. Crazy speed and more to do than will ever be done.

I find that my life frequently works that way. Because I create those circumstances, of course...

Intense project times when everything is due all at once, and then...

A time of almost boring idleness and then...

Another swamped period...

I'd like to find a way to even things out a bit.

Here's to a more balanced fall!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Breakfast

Originally uploaded by mullinsusc
Relationships require much care. So does Sunday Brunch. I find that one can often nourish the other.  Click the pic for contents.

Hot Breakfast

Originally uploaded by mullinsusc

Dried Herring at the Super G Mart

Originally uploaded by mullinsusc